


























Old news

22th March 2008:

New video about the main types of extrasolar planets:

The release of the simulation is planned around April 1st.

The user manual can be downloaded here:

MPL3D Solar System - User Manual


19th February 2008:

All the pages of the web are available again.

We have updated the content of First Light Machine Gallery with his latest creations.


16th February 2008:

Sorry, we are experiencing technical difficulties with our web space provider.

We will soon offer again all the pages.

Sorry for the inconvenience.


29th December 2007:

Before ending the year, we would like to show some of the new features of MPL3D Solar System: The binary stars. We will publish the simulation soon, along with some other surprises. We have worked hard to accomplish it and we think that the effort has been worthy.
We hope you like it and happy new year for all:

Please enjoy some binary stars, including systems like Alpha Scorpii (Antares), Alpha Piscium (Alrisha), Alpha Virginis (Spica), Beta Cygni (Albireo), Beta Persei (Algol), Beta Monocerotis (Cerastes), Gamma Cassiopeiae (Tsih), Gamma Velorum (Regor), VV Cephei, Theta Orionis, Tau Canis Majoris and many others.
Watch star systems with mass transfer, systems inside nebulae, systems with planets, the movement of stars with eccentric orbits... All images shown have been done using real data about known binary star systems.


1st December 2007:

There is a new J.M. Wingfield's video, based on Saggitarius A* black hole, where a young star is devoured:

First Light Machine : Blackdrop


14th November 2007:

We have performed the final data load for MPL3D Solar System. In addition to the already existing celestial bodies, there are more than 250 new binary or multiple star systems, that have added more than 1000 extrasolar orbits. Unfortunately, some inconsistencies have appeared at the representation. We are working to be able to offer, as soon as possible, an error free and scientifically correct product.

These are some pictures from Castor, a multiple star system at the Gemini constellation. We hope that they help you to shorten the waiting:


29th September 2007:

We only have pending the data loading for MPL3D Solar System and the packaging for the final distribution. We have finished the testing phase and verified that the program runs properly at Windows Vista operating system.

J.M. Wingfield has created two new and magnific compositions using the simulation media:

These are the links to his webpage and 'YouTube':

First Light Machine : Tiamat


First Light Machine : Population IV


18th July 2007:

Latest MPL3D Solar System updates have delayed us a little bit, but we guarantee that it is going to be worth the wait. There are new surprises prepared for the release.

Meanwhile we hope you enjoy this new video about star clusters:


22th June 2007:

Our friend J.M. Wingfield has published a new video about the Polaris star, based on the MPL3D Solar System images.

This is the link to his page:

First Light Machine : Stella Polaris

It is also available at 'YouTube':


We want to thank all the people who has visited our

MPL3D Solar System - Tour 1

at 'YouTube', reaching more than 50,000 visits!


7th June 2007:

Good news for all of those who are waiting for the release of MPL3D Solar System.

Three months after solving all our technical problems, we have been able to give it an appearance that fulfills our expectation.

If everything goes fine, we hope to have completed the first definitive version at the end of July.

Meanwhile, you can watch 3rd March 2007 total lunar eclipse from a simulated space view:

We also have created a playlist with all our videos published at 'YouTube', so you can watch them all consecutive and ordered:

Playlist: MPL3D Solar System

Remember that you can visit our video gallery if you want to download a higher quality version.


27th February 2007:

It seems that the most serious problems of our graphical engine have been solved. This has allowed us to integrate into the MPL3D Solar System simulation the special effects that achieve the needful visual quality.

There is a new video showing the final looking of the stars' surface:

Please visit the video gallery for a high quality version.


18th December 2006:

We are impressed with J.M. Wingfield's work. Our images blended with a powerful music and his striking rhymes really make our hearts pump faster.

There is a new page available with links to his creations:

First Light Machine Gallery

Here is the latest, "Starfield One", (click on the image to go to the page):


12th December 2006:

The releasing of MPL3D Solar System has been delayed. We are very discouraged because of the little support that we have received from our graphic engine provider.

We really thought that it was possible to finish during 2006, but we will have to wait until next year.

For the same reason, while we are waiting we are going to make some improvements, like the new rapid rotation stars. There is a new video available called "Rapid rotation stars". Equatorial enlargement, circumstellar disks and gravity darkening due to the high rotational velocities can be observed at this one.


20th November 2006:

J. M. Wingfield, a New York artist, has composed a new poetry video, "Redshift7", based on the images of MPL3D Solar System.

He really transmits sensations.

We have made a new demo video, it is a visit to the system Iota Draconis, you can watch it at the video page.

As well as a new picture of this system at the photo gallery.


15th November 2006:

We are proud to announce that J. M. Wingfield, a New York artist, has chosen MPL3D Solar System as material for his excellent poetry video compositions.

They are called "System Transit", and "Evolution Explorer".

You can watch them here:


It is worthy to take a look. His work is quite impressive.

Besides that, we released a new video showing around 30 stars that are alpha of their constellation, seen at a fixed distance of five astronomic units, for a better size comparison:




20th October 2006:

The Starfield Tech Demo is available for download here !!!

These are the main features:

This demo will take a random trip around 10,000 stars of our galaxy, so it will be different each time you run it.

Trips will orbit stars at a 5 light years of distance from them, increasing then to 100 light years away from them.

As the demo runs, it will take you to further stars, including famous stars, stars with planets, multiple systems and variable stars with real data. Each frame in the simulation equals to one day of time.

Although camera is automatic, you still can control it with mouse movement, but only when orbiting a star (that is when not "travelling" to a star).

Other controls are:

"L" - Changes language between english and spanish.
"M" - Turns music on/off.
"F" - Shows maximum frames per second at screen top-left.
"Esc" - Press escape to quit.

Star names and data appear and disappear at random.

It needs DirectX 9.0c installed, and it is better run with 1024x768 resolution.

Turn out the lights and enjoy!

"MPL3D Solar System - Starfield Tech Demo" is a executable preview of "MPL3D Solar System" itself.


12th October 2006:

We are finishing a 3d starfield tech demo, that will be available for download around the next week. It will include real data and travels between 10,000 stars.


29th September 2006:

Although the graphical engine of MPL3D Solar System has been updated, its functionality does not allow us to release at the quality level that we desire to offer.

Therefore we are still pending on our provider's technical problems to be solved. We are confident in being able to release before the end of 2006.

Meanwhile we have started the legal register process of MPL3D Solar System and the links to the high quality videos have been updated.


17th July 2006:

There are new videos and new pictures of MPL3D Solar System available.

Our graphical engine provider seems to be updating his software soon and we will be able to release a definitive version. However, to wait for this update will delay the release of MPL3D Solar System.


12th July 2006:

The user Interface for MPL3D Solar System has been finished. We have posted some new pictures with the main controls for you to see them. Click here to go to the page.

Unfortunately, we are waiting for our graphical engine provider to update his product, to be able to release a definitive version.

Meanwhile we are finishing the user manual, we will update the videos available for download and we will post some more pictures.


20th April 2006:

We apologize for not having the web updated sooner. Also, there have been some problems with the pictures and videos availability. We have solved the problems for the pictures, although videos are still unavailable. We are working in the final interface of the product and we will show you the definitive look soon.

Meanwhile, we have updated the functions of MPL3D Solar System with the new star selector and the gallery of planets.

Click here to see new images.


27th January 2006:

There are two new videos of MPL3D Solar System available. A solar system tour and a visit to the constellation of Andromeda. Click here to go to the page.


4th January 2006:

Happy new year 2006! There are new images availables of MPL3D Solar System.

We will soon publish a demo video, until then we hope that you enjoy the six new pictures.

Furthermore we appeared at The Game Creators Newsletter Issue 36. Our most sincere gratitude!


1st December 2005:

MPL3D Solar System is near completion. Watch the lastest images (under construction).

Pending tasks are to integrate Earth's solar system, polish final interface and language translation.




Member of the Intel® Software Partner Program.

Intel and the Intel logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Intel Corporation or its subsidiaries in the United States and other countries.

MPL3D Solar System software, including all graphic media and music, is a registered intellectual property of Manuel Perez de Lema Lopez. Spanish Culture Ministery, Central Register of Intellectual Property Nº AB-26-2007.

Additional public domain images courtesy of NASA.

© 2005-2016 Manuel Perez de Lema Lopez


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